Monday, October 03, 2005

Experience, Schmerience

Oh, Georgie. Can I call you Dubyah? A lot of things can be said about you. Heck a lot of things have been said already. But let me say this: "You've got a friggin' set of balls."

FEMA Director? You don't need experience in crisis management or disaster control? What, you judged horse shows? Alright, you're hired, Brownie.

You want to be Director of the Office of Women's Health? You're a vet? Work on female animals? Yes? No? Ah, whatever. Close enough.

And say, you want to make important decisions about social issues in this country and pass judgment on important policies that will affect millions of people? Hey, you don't need to be a judge to be on the Supreme Court.

What an absolute joke in a non-fucking-stop string of missteps, mishaps, and blantant "I don't give a fuck about you's". Nepotism to the nth degree. Individuals without qualifications running the highest levels of offices in this country. He is single-handedly destroying us. Now go sit in the corner, dumbass W.

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