Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Eve Specials = Trainwreck

First of all, was there anything more depressing than seeing Dick Clark in an incoherent post-stroke state last night? I feel sorry for the once "forever young" TV icon, but man, don't bum me out right before the start of the new year!

Also, regardless of the channel - ABC, NBC, MTV, etc. - what's with all of the horrible "musicians" performing on these New Year's Eve specials? Guess nobody good wants to work on a holiday. Mariah, please put some clothes on.

Finally, is there a bigger no-talent than Carson Daly? This guy lucks into fame via MTV and now fancies himself the next Dick Clark! Nobody died and made you his successor. You've got nothing interesting or funny to say. How did this guy get a job in show business? But wait, there's more...word is that Ryan Seacrest may be groomed to take over Dick Clark's spot for future NYE telecasts. Now that makes two no-talents hosting these specials....

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