Sunday, April 01, 2007

My Media Consumption Habits

It's interesting to think about how much media consumption has changed over the years. Driven by the constant introduction of new technology, I've certainly noticed changes in my behavior.

Here's a look at some of the media I've been consuming lately and any relevant changes:

We get a ton of publications thanks to turning in some unused airline miles. It's almost too much so I tend to scan them or just read articles of interest instead of reading cover to cover.

  1. 4 weeklies: BusinessWeek, Economist, Time Out New York, New York Magazine
  2. 1 daily: The Wall Street Journal
  3. 1 monthly: Fast Company


I'll rarely watch live television unless it's news (NY1, News 12 Brooklyn or the local NBC affiliate) or a sporting event. Most of the time I tend to "binge" watch my DVR'ed programs on the weekend. DVR'ed programs include:

  1. Lost
  2. Heroes
  3. The Colbert Report
  4. The Daily Show
  5. The Soup
  6. The Office

There's also the occasional one-off program: a special on The Travel Channel or Fine Living or NYC-TV...


I don't listen to terrestrial radio at all. I do consume some Internet Radio, like:

  1. Soma FM
  2. Download specific shows from like Jason Bentley's Metropolis or Nic Harcourt's Morning Becomes Eclectic
  3. Download podcasts from i-Tunes for shows like NPR's This American Life
  4. Hardly ever buy actual CDs anymore (pretty much never!). This is a total change from all the cassette tapes and CDs that I used to buy. Now it's pretty much relegated to one-offs from i-Tunes.


  1. PS2: a couple hours a week - gameplay has significantly dropped off as I get older
  2. Nintendo DS: Just picked this up - been playing "Brain Age" to stave off old age!
  3. No online gaming or Second Life for me - I don't get it


  1. Hours spent online too numerous to count
  2. I blog (obviously) and read some blogs daily (,
  3. Look at news sites daily ( and NY
  4. Sometimes randomly search Youtube for random videos
  5. Occasionally look at social networking sites but it's not that fun since I'm out of the demo and most of my friends aren't on there


  1. Not into ringtones, playing games or downloading songs/videos to my phone
  2. Rarely use my phone to take pictures
  3. Have finally begun text-messaging (yes, a late adopter)


  1. Go to the actual movie theater 1-3 times a year
  2. Mostly watch films via Netflix and usually it's the DVD of tv shows that I never got to watch

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