Sunday, July 08, 2007

6 Months from Jersey?

The old coot broke us down. From leaving messes in our apartment, not finishing proposed repair projects, a litany of irrelevant excuses, rude treatment and veiled (or so not veiled) threats, this crazy bitch has won!

Unfortunately, it's a fact of life that you will have to deal with difficult people. And actually, we had a very amicable relationship with her up until recently. But she has really shown her true colors lately and it's not really worth all the time and energy that has already consumed us.

It's a shame because we've really enjoyed living in this apartment, this neighborhood, this city. But as my sister said: "You can't fight crazy." Plus this lunatic has our security deposit, access to our mail, and access to our home.

For now, we have to once again take the high road even though we've suffered multiple transgressions. She really has caused us to think about moving when the lease is up.

The confluence of events of the last week: really enjoying our trip to Cali, the difficulty of dealing with a abhorrent landlady, and our personal need to look for a more economical (yet higher standard of living - is this possible?) may very well send us packing and seeking refuge in a Jersey suburb. Could this blog be renamed The Turnpike via the Slope? Or will things cool down and will we remain here? Maybe find a different place in Park Slope? Or make a move to Manhattan to be closer to my wife's graduate school? Stay tuned. These next 6 months will certainly be interesting.

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