Monday, May 29, 2006

An Afternoon at Yankee Stadium

We took the 4 train to Yankee Stadium to catch the Yanks/Royals play a sun-drenched afternoon game (picture to right found on Google as I did not bring my camera and good thing because it would have melted under the sun). It seemed like it didn't take that long to get from Brooklyn to the Bronx via the 4 as we hit all the trains at the right time (transferring from the Q to the 4). After having recently been to a Mets game at Shea, one could not help but compare the two experiences. Shea seemed a bit nicer but more sterile while Yankee stadium, although cramped and not as comfortable as Shea, held the ghosts of tradition that Shea does not possess. Having moved here from Chicago, I suppose it is akin to comparing Wrigley to U.S. Cellular Field - tradition vs. modern conveniences, etc.

The Yanks got off to a hot start, including a lead-off homerun from Johnny Damon. We ended up bailing during the Sixth Inning as it was unbelievably hot out and we were completely baking under the sun and constantly reapplying suntan lotion to avoid serious burning. We did get to see the Bronx Bombers put up 6 runs and had a couple tasty Nathans' hot dogs though.

Favorite Food Vendor Sales Pitch I heard:
"Buy your first drink, get the second one for the same price."

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