Sunday, February 04, 2007

Narcissistic, Incompetent Bastard with a Love-Me-Daddy Syndrome

Okay, that's just one hypothesis of many put forth in a recent article of New York Magazine called The Loneliest President, written by John Heilemann. It's an interesting read and invites a number of different analyses into why Bush may be the way he is.

Of course, those of us who are rational keep trying to make sense of his nonsensical, irresponsible and irrational ways - which seems like a frustrating and futile endeavor.

Heileman writes:
Yet it’s worth considering the possibility that Bush’s madman-at-the-wheel métier owes as much to psychological factors as to structural ones. For some time now, armchair psychiatrists have argued that Bush suffers from a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, citing his sense of grandiosity (“I’m the decider”), his arrogance and lack of empathy, and his tendency to surround himself with sycophants as evidence. Certainly, Bush seems to be in the grip of something close to a bona fide delusion (“a false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everybody else believes,” says the DSM-IV) about the situation in Iraq—and in a state of near-clinical denial about the likelihood that his policy there has irretrievably failed.

For me, 2008 can't come soon enough. Edwards, Hillary, Obama...please hurry.

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