Sunday, May 13, 2007


Last week we were at Union Hall and we noticed two guys whom, let's just say, did not look like Union Hall's usual patrons.

One tried a little more than the other, wearing a Brooklyn Industries t-shirt and possibly some old-school sneakers. However the two pagers/phones that were clipped to his belt were a give-away that he was not a regular.

That wasn't the crime, however, as this obnoxious gentleman and his friend made a ton of noise on the bocce court. The guy in the BKI t-shirt disagreeably tried to chat up women in the bar - first the one next to him on the bocce court and then another who was heading back to her seat by belligerently yelling "Hello" to her.

Also, I overheard him telling his buddy that he had to "dress like this" otherwise they would "ask him questions at the door" and made comments about the fact that the people that go there wear "weird sneakers".

If he was hating on the usual Union Hall patron so much, why did he even attempt to fit in? Clearly a guy who wanted to fit in and became obnoxious when no one paid attention to him.

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