Saturday, September 22, 2007

Three Times The Lameness

Just as Peter denied Christ three times, I denied the opportunity to listen to good music three times this week.

Okay, so the Biblical comparison is a bit much but the perfect conditions were in place. The stars were in alignment for me to enjoy these shows. Note that they were: 1) Free; 2) Close to my office. So damn close I would have to go out of my way to avoid them; 3) Early shows that started around 5:30pm.

Monday had The Old 97's and The Hold Steady. Tuesday had Victoria Williams and M. Ward (I did catch a brief bit of Victoria Williams singing "Sweet Relief" as I made my way to the subway station). And Wednesday brought Nick Lowe. Here's a link to the site that brought this free series of concerts. And here's a link to a review of The Old 97's show on Brooklynvegan.

So why the lameness on my part? Oh, just working long hours at the office. Being tired. Wanting to go home and have dinner. Wanting to rest.

What am I, 80?

But seriously. Damn you, responsibility and to hell with your buddies productivity and efficiency. You bastards made me want to go home since it was a "school night".

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