Monday, February 20, 2006

Federline, Social Networking, and Coffee

Yes, that's the big fool, Kevin Federline (aka Mr. Britney Spears) pictured to the right. Apparently, he recently launched his new single on his website. He is an absolute trainwreck and the song is a complete mess. Think about every other corny white-boy rapper that has ever been out there (Vanilla Ice, Snow, etc.). He is actually worse than that. You can also listen to his song on

I have to admit that I don't know a ton about myspace but apparently it is a big deal - so big that Rupert Murdoch (he of Fox News fame) and his company News Corporation paid $580 million to acquire

You know I am getting old when I start to not "get" what kids are into. I still don't get text messaging by the way. Comedy Central's Daily Show did a funny piece on social networking sites. Click on Trendspotting: Social Networking.

And speaking of the idea of socializing through an arguably impersonal technological and virtual environment, what's with all the laptop users at coffee shops like Gorilla Coffee? No matter where we go in the Slope, it seems like they are dominated by individuals looking at their laptop screens rather than interacting with each other. Maybe they're talking to the person next to them on Instant Messenger, or hating on their neighbor on their blog, or maybe they're listening to Federline's awful song on myspace....

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