Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Own New York Stories

Do these qualify as making me a true New Yorker now?

-Yesterday, I had my bag randomly searched by NYPD at the Grand Central Station. It was fine - they said "Excuse me sir" and motioned me over. I opened my bag and they thanked me and I was on my way.

Maybe they singled me out because I looked ornery. But hey, that's how I look after a long day's work!

-Yesterday I was asked by a co-worker where I was from originally, to which I responded "New Jersey." She seemed miffed (maybe an exaggeration) when I didn't share her Jersey pride in Bon Jovi. I told her I liked Springsteen and Sinatra. Sorry - I draw the line at Bon Jovi.

-Today, a young man (with his friends in tow) asked me where Rockefeller Center was and being in NYC mode, I pretty much ignored him. He was annoyed by this and responded saying "Don't be nervous, I am not going to mug you." Maybe I naturally gave off a disturbed look but I am not going to respond to a bunch of thuggish looking dudes coming out of nowhere and asking me for directions. What did he expect?

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